About Emily

It was a rather odd moment when I woke up Saturday morning to the smell of German Pancakes wafting through the house. Not odd that there was the smell of pancakes in the house on a Saturday morning - it's one of our favorite traditions. But rather odd that I was still in bed and smelling them - especially when I rolled over to see that Chris was still out cold too. A little mystified, I swung out of bed and wandered downstairs to find the table set with the dishes - and Emily with a huge grin on her face and just a few minutes left on the timer until the pancakes in the oven were finished. I shouldn't have been so surprised... at 3 years old, Emily's first question to anyone who came to our home was, "Would you like some pie?! We made some pie for you!" On top of a love for good food, she has been right beside me in the kitchen for the last 9 years, helping bake whatever I would allow her to. Add (for good measure) that she gets giddy over surprises, and it was the perfect mix for her to want to treat the entire family to breakfast on her weekend.

Emily is our oldest daughter and loves being a big sister. She has a soft, gentle heart of gold and has been such a great friend to her mom growing up. She is a great listener and reads chapter books to her 7 year old sister Debbie at night when they are going to bed. Often we hear soft giggles and whispering coming from their bed for a while at night while they share stories and silly jokes.

When Lizzy was a baby, Emily would love to rock her to sleep in the rocking chair. Liz wouldn't fall asleep in the chair for anyone but Em, I think she could feel Emily's love for her right from the beginning. Emily still continues to pull Lizzy up onto her lap and read her their favorite books and snuggle.

She is a great example for her younger sisters and tries hard to be a good friend to them.

Emily always has a hug for anyone in our family who might be having a bad day and makes sure she gives out one gentle hug to each member in the family before she heads to bed each night.

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